Today's post is a salute to astronaut Buzz Aldrin.

Buzz Aldrin is so much cooler than you it's not even funny. Although he was the second man on the moon, he was THE MAN on the moon. In the news recently for having stared down a UFO, Buzz continues to amaze. Heck, he even has his own action figure. And he has managed to give us 50 years of Buzz Aldriny coolness while suffering from Bipolar Affective Disorder the whole time.
The coolest thing about Buzz Aldrin, however, is that he will not hesitate to kick your ass if necessary. (No charges were filed.)
Today's post is a salute to astronaut Buzz Aldrin.

Buzz Aldrin is so much cooler than you it's not even funny. Although he was the second man on the moon, he was THE MAN on the moon. In the news recently for having stared down a UFO, Buzz continues to amaze. Heck, he even has his own action figure. And he has managed to give us 50 years of Buzz Aldriny coolness while suffering from Bipolar Affective Disorder the whole time.
The coolest thing about Buzz Aldrin, however, is that he will not hesitate to kick your ass if necessary. (No charges were filed.)
Interesting! Did you know that Al, the kids, and I met Alan Shephard
in Florida and he autographed the book MOON SHOT for us? I have photos take with him. He's since passed away. He was the first one of the Mercury astronauts named by NASA in April 1959, and he holds the distinction of being the first American to journey into space. We stood in line to meet him. The kids didn't have a clue who he was but i was very thrilled to meet him. Love ya! Sis Judy
WOW now that's cool. Have you ever seen the movie The Right Stuff? It's the ultimate portrayal of the Mercury Seven.
The Right Stuff is great! I especially like the Yeager portrayal. But Buzz kicking ass? Hmmm...yeah, maybe mine; but I'll pit Jack LaLanne at nearly 92 up against him anyday. Jack would kick all their asses and then go do several hundred push ups to finish his workout properly. I mean, how many 91 year old guys have 20/20 vision and still enjoy sex with their wives?!
Now there's a visual I could do without :p
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