If you're as nerdy as I am, and I'm pretty sure you are, you'll love this website, STARSHIP DIMENSIONS. Obsessive nerd Jeff Russell put a huge amount of time into it, portraying dozens of movie starships in terms of their relative scale. So, if you're wondering how big Serenity is compared to, say, Battlestar Columbia, or how big V'ger is compared to, say, the Death Star, you can find out here.
If you're as nerdy as I am, and I'm pretty sure you are, you'll love this website, STARSHIP DIMENSIONS. Obsessive nerd Jeff Russell put a huge amount of time into it, portraying dozens of movie starships in terms of their relative scale. So, if you're wondering how big Serenity is compared to, say, Battlestar Columbia, or how big V'ger is compared to, say, the Death Star, you can find out here.

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