In the Flintstones universe, when Fred & Barney sit down to watch Star Trek, it's not really Star Trek....it's STONE TREK.

In the Flintstones universe, when Fred & Barney sit down to watch Star Trek, it's not really Star Trek....it's STONE TREK.

Episode 1: The Deadly Ears
Where's their warp engines? You have to show a bird or dino on a treadmill
According to the Stone Trek Glossary:
Propulsion system used on stoneships, utilizing an artificial volcano as an energy source.
Wait a minute. How does The Great Gazoo fit into the Stone Trek world? I mean...he was already from space.
Side note: I was a Flintstone purist and never liked the shows with him in it...
Wow, Mark, that was kinda geeky!
The Great Gazoo = Flintstones jumping the shark
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