(Evergreen State Fair)
The Evergreen State Fair in Monroe, WA is celebrating it's 100th anniversary this year. I had never been there before but I had a great time at the Puyallup Fair last year, so I thought I'd give it a go. I drove up there alone because my friends were working. It was fun to see all the tradition and effort put into the exhibits. I grew up near a farm, so the animal smells and sounds triggered some old sense memories. It was cool to feel the leathery snout of a pig, and the warm breath of a goat on my knuckles. I gorged myself on fair foods and took lots of pictures and video clips. I'm now officially psyched for the upcoming Puyallup fair, which I'm going to sleep at in Camppy with Kat and the doggies!
The Evergreen State Fair in Monroe, WA is celebrating it's 100th anniversary this year. I had never been there before but I had a great time at the Puyallup Fair last year, so I thought I'd give it a go. I drove up there alone because my friends were working. It was fun to see all the tradition and effort put into the exhibits. I grew up near a farm, so the animal smells and sounds triggered some old sense memories. It was cool to feel the leathery snout of a pig, and the warm breath of a goat on my knuckles. I gorged myself on fair foods and took lots of pictures and video clips. I'm now officially psyched for the upcoming Puyallup fair, which I'm going to sleep at in Camppy with Kat and the doggies!
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