THE LARGEST ART THEFT IN HISTORY I've been to the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum on a number of occasions, both before and after this theft, which happened in March of 1995. After the theft, as you can imagine, the security was beefed up about a million percent. In fact, if you go there now, (and you should - it's stunning) you will not believe the security measures.
In this Boston Globe article, STOLEN BEAUTY: THE GARDNER MUSEUM HEIST - 15 YEARS LATER, the dramatic story of this unsolved $300,000,000 theft is vividly told...

"Once inside, the thieves ripped a Vermeer, three Rembrandts -- including his only seascape -- five Degas drawings, and a Manet from their wall placements, smashing them out of their frames and leaving shards of glass and remnants of canvas behind. The thieves took some of the museum's greatest treasures but left behind some even more valuable objects......When they were done for the night, they made two trips to their car with the loot. Then they vanished.
Where the paintings were, empty frames now fill the museum's walls....."
THE LARGEST ART THEFT IN HISTORY I've been to the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum on a number of occasions, both before and after this theft, which happened in March of 1995. After the theft, as you can imagine, the security was beefed up about a million percent. In fact, if you go there now, (and you should - it's stunning) you will not believe the security measures.
In this Boston Globe article, STOLEN BEAUTY: THE GARDNER MUSEUM HEIST - 15 YEARS LATER, the dramatic story of this unsolved $300,000,000 theft is vividly told...

"Once inside, the thieves ripped a Vermeer, three Rembrandts -- including his only seascape -- five Degas drawings, and a Manet from their wall placements, smashing them out of their frames and leaving shards of glass and remnants of canvas behind. The thieves took some of the museum's greatest treasures but left behind some even more valuable objects......When they were done for the night, they made two trips to their car with the loot. Then they vanished.
Where the paintings were, empty frames now fill the museum's walls....."
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